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» Goddess of Love and Beauty (Mythology)

Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon is a series based largely off of Greek and Roman Mythology. Each senshi has some uncanny traits that are similar to a goddess in mythology, and Sailor Venus is no exception.

In the BSSM saga, Sailor Venus is the incarnation of the Goddess of Love and Beauty: Venus, also identified as the Greek Aphrodite. She was a beautiful woman and it was said that she could charm any man she came upon, no matter what. She was created from foam in the sea from Zeus, and thus she is the daughter of Jupiter, a.k.a. Zeus. She is one of the Olympian Goddesses, but unlike the dignified or maidenly beauty of the other Olympian Goddesses, Aphrodite's beauty is purely feminine and loveliness itself. Her attendants are the Graces--they dance with her, bathe her, and weave her garments. She is also described as a "powerful enchantress."

Here's something that viewers may find interesting. Aphrodite was the rival of Persephone, queen of the underworld, for the love of the beautiful Greek youth Adonis. That name sound familiar? Yes, it's the same name as one of Minako's admirers. (If you don't know about Adonis, please go to Love or Be Loved.

So what do Aphrodite and Sailor Venus have in common? Plenty. Obviously, Minako is portrayed to be a gorgeous person, and no one can doubt that. She's been through many crushes and men though she is quite young.^^ She didn't manage to keep any of them, due to Adonis's love fortune. But Minako does have a kind heart, which she uses to help others and make others happy. It was said that whereever Aphrodite stepped, flowers would blossom instantly. Aphrodite brings life and beauty into various things, much like how Minako strives to bring beauty and love into the world and often gives more to others than to herself.